Awake the Dawn, now streaming everywhere!

This album is my fourth full-length release, including 8 Psalms, The Lord’s Prayer, and a setting of an old Luther hymn. The album moves thematically from the dark of night to the bright noontide of joy and on to the glorious sunset of eternity.

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Lyric videos playlist on YouTube
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Hi there,

My name is Brian Sauvé, and I’m pastor to Refuge Church, husband to Lexy, and father to seven kiddos. Here at this site, you’ll find me writing, preaching, podcasting, and making music for the new Christendom.

I’m Reformed and Protestant, Paedobaptist, Postmillennial, and Patriarchal—and several other things that tend to bother the good people of Twitter dot com. But I’m sure all of you are cool.

Music for the new Christendom.

God’s people are a singing people; singing is not an optional accessory to the Christian faith. From the battle cries of Israel to the inner room of the Last Supper to the cathedral chants of the Medieval saints, the Church knows how to make a joyful noise.

One thing is certain: All true reformation is accompanied reformation. God’s transformed people will be a singing people—and singing Psalms hymns transforms God’s people. So a few years ago, I began working to make music for the new Christendom, including fresh settings of the Psalms, original hymns, and even a sea shanty or two. Tap here to listen in.

If you’d like to help me make more music for the new Christendom, tap here and become a patron today.

Words for the new Christendom.

We live in a spoken world. God spoke, and the world was. Christianity is a faith of words. Where don’t you see this? The Scriptures are a book of words, full of prophets and priests and pastors given words to say to teach and lead and exhort and rebuke the people of God. And right there at the apogee of the whole story, what do you find? The Word of God, incarnate. God’s speech, enfleshed. Christ, the Logos.

And so Christians are to be a people who know how to handle words—who know how think well, read well, think well, and speak well.

To that end, you will find me wrestling with words here on this site and beyond—preaching, podcasting, and writing. Find my sermons here, my podcasts here, and my writing here.


 Support the production of more Psalms and Hymns and get a sweet tee shirt at the same time!