$100 Contribution
Contribute $100 and I’ll send you early downloads of the album before release day, your name listed on the album release page, a download of the album art to stare at longingly while the album is being produced, AND I will call you on the phone at a random time and sing to you a song of my choosing for 30 seconds before hanging up abruptly.
Contribute $100 and I’ll send you early downloads of the album before release day, your name listed on the album release page, a download of the album art to stare at longingly while the album is being produced, AND I will call you on the phone at a random time and sing to you a song of my choosing for 30 seconds before hanging up abruptly.
Contribute $100 and I’ll send you early downloads of the album before release day, your name listed on the album release page, a download of the album art to stare at longingly while the album is being produced, AND I will call you on the phone at a random time and sing to you a song of my choosing for 30 seconds before hanging up abruptly.