Christians should make the best music.

Some of the greatest works of art, music, and architecture in human history were funded and produced by Christians.

This shouldn’t surprise us. If Jesus is Lord, and if all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Him, then those called by His name ought to be more acquainted with truth, goodness, and beauty than any others.

So why is the state of Christian music so abysmal? Why are the most popular releases with the tag “Christian” on the Spotify playlists all products of bland, emotionalistic megachurchianity?

Let’s change that. Let’s put the glorious songbook of the Church—the Psalms—in the headphones and living rooms and kitchens and car stereos of the saints.

What? $20k?!

So far, I’ve written, produced, recorded, mixed, and mastered all my own music—with the aid of YouTube videos, late nights, and midnight walks around my neighborhood to critically listen to my home-brewed recordings.

That has done two things: First, it has limited the overall quality of my releases to my production skills—which are not professional level. Second, it has meant that I spend far more time recording and producing than writing.

Bringing in professional production, mixing, and mastering will enormously raise the quality of the music, relieve a lot of the time cost from me, and allow me to focus more on writing and releasing even more music.

As you can see from my goal, I’ve already set aside $5,000 towards this project, hence the $15k target.

We can do this.

If my music has blessed you, your family, or your church, here’s my request: Vote for it with your dollars.

We get more of what we support. If we send Bethel a few million dollars for every dollar we put into Christian music that doesn’t suck, we will get more Bethel and fewer Psalms and songs worth singing.

So vote for this project with your dollars and let’s make this happen together. If even a portion of my normal listeners voted for the project financially, we would get it funded in a day or two.

Below are a few ways you can do that:

$15 Contribution

Contribute $15 and I’ll send you digital downloads of the album on release day! You’ll also receive the album art to stare at with longing while you’re waiting for me to finish the album.

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$25 Contribution

Contribute $25 and I’ll send you digital downloads of the album at least two weeks EARLY. You’ll also receive the album art to stare at with longing while you’re waiting for me to finish the album.

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$50 Contribution

Contribute $50 and I’ll send you digital downloads of the album EARLY—at least two weeks before the public release to streaming services! In addition, you will be listed as a major supporter on the web page dedicated to the album once it’s released. You’ll also receive the album art to stare at with longing while you’re waiting for me to finish the album.

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$500 Contribution

Contribute $500 and I’ll send you early downloads of the album before release day, your name listed on the album release page, a download of the album art to stare at longingly while the album is being produced, AND I will call you on the phone at a random time and sing to you a song of my choosing for 30 seconds before hanging up abruptly. With thanks for such a generous donation, I will also compose a short poem (4-12 lines) in your honor.

(I reserve the right for the poetry to be bad)

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$100 Contribution

Contribute $100 and I’ll send you early downloads of the album before release day, your name listed on the album release page, a download of the album art to stare at longingly while the album is being produced, AND I will call you on the phone at a random time and sing to you a song of my choosing for 30 seconds before hanging up abruptly.

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$1,000 Contribution

Contribute $1,000 and I’ll send you early downloads of the album before release day, your name on the release page, a download of the album art to stare at longingly while the album is being produced—and I’ll call you at a random time and sing you a song of my choosing for 30 seconds before hanging up abruptly. With thanks for your generosity, I’ll also compose a short poem (4-12 lines) in your honor—but it will be 2x as good as the $500-tier poetry.

(I reserve the right for the poetry to still be fairly bad)

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 Want to send Bitcoin?

Sats for Psalms is officially a thing. Fund Even Dragons Shall Him Praise with BTC at this wallet address (but make sure you only send Bitcoin to this address and not any other crypto): 3PneQ8RjMjoYJyrijky2HhjBDTe8MnbBvn


Did I mention the store?

Another way to support the album can be found at my store! All proceeds go to support the production.